In September 2014 Helen Caldicott used a hoax radiation dose map.
Dr. Helen Caldicott vs Fukushima Radiation
- The hoax map was created and debunked in March 2011
- This hoax was supposed to be a 'prediction'
- Caldicott claimed 3½ years later that the hoax was true, and the predicted fallout happened.
- Had it happened it would've been enough to kill about ½ the people on the US West coast. [The radiation dose in yellow is = 750 REM = 7500 mSv]
It goes without saying, that the amount of radiation released in the hoax was physically impossible. Back in the real world, suppose each person in the landed yellow area got 1 square metre worth of radiation :- it would've been equivalent to, at most, 11 seconds extra worth of natural radiation.[ref 1-3]
The ratio between Helen Caldicott's exaggeration and any possible Fukushima Daiichi radiation dose is at least 7.5 billion to 1.[ref 1-9]
- As of 2014, a peer reviewed estimate of the total radiation released at Fukushima Daiichi was 340 to 800 PBq, with 80% falling into the Pacific ocean.[ref 10]
- The yellow area on the map, covering land, is at least 3 million km², or 3 × 1012 m². Dividing that area into 20% of 800 × 1015 Bq
= 0.2 × 800 × 1015 / (3 × 1012) Bq/m²
= 53,000 Bq/m² - Our bodies experience 5000 radioactive decays per second. (5000 Bq)
- 1 PBq (petabecquerel) = 1015 Bq
- 1 Bq = 1 radioactive decay per second
- Natural background radiation dose ~ 3 mSv per year, ~ 0.0000000095 REM per second
- Extra Fukushima Daiichi radiation dose (maximum) ~ 0.0000001 REM
- Extra Fukushima Daiichi radiation dose claimed by Caldicott ~ 750 REM
- Disparity between maximum possible and Caldicott's claim ~ 7.5 billion.
- "Comparison of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents: A review of the environmental impacts Science of The Total Environment Volumes 470–471, 1 February 2014, Pages 800–817".
I would still prefer this radiation to be fixed and not ignored.